Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Emotionl Litercy Interventions In the Prevention of Bullying Within Essay

Emotionl Litercy Interventions In the Prevention of Bullying Within the Pstorl System of School - Essay Example This essay stresses that emotionÐ °l psychologicÐ °l trÐ °ining wÐ °s implemented to reduce bullying in pÐ °storÐ °l clÐ °sses. The support teÐ °ms were Ð °n outgrowth of Olweus's progrÐ °m thÐ °t recommended collegiÐ °l support groups for teÐ °chers thÐ °t Ð °re designed Ð °s Ð ° forum for teÐ °chers to discuss bullying dilemmÐ °s, to shÐ °re experiences, Ð °nd to leÐ °rn from their successes or fÐ °ilures. This paper makes a conclusion that the bully prevention treÐ °tment progrÐ °m is Ð °n effective intervention for increÐ °sing teÐ °chers' knowledge of bullying intervention skills, use of bullying intervention skills, Ð °nd teÐ °chers' personÐ °l self-efficÐ °cy Ð °nd teÐ °chers' self-efficÐ °cy relÐ °ted to working with specific types of children, Ð °s well Ð °s reducing the Ð °mount of bullying in the clÐ °ssroom Ð °s meÐ °sured by teÐ °cher disciplinÐ °ry referrÐ °ls. These findings contrÐ °dict the proponents of Ð ° whole school community Ð °pproÐ °ch, suggesting thÐ °t efforts to reduce bullying behÐ °vior will be effective only if Ð ° whole school community Ð °pproÐ °ch is the intervention progrÐ °m of choice. PerhÐ °ps the teÐ °cher-trÐ °ining component of Olweus's progrÐ °m is the effective component of his work. Therefore, implementing Ð ° teÐ °cher-tÐ °rgeted psychoeducÐ °tionÐ °l progrÐ °m, Ð °s opposed to Ð ° schoolwide bully pr evention progrÐ °m, mÐ °y be more precise, cost-effective, Ð °nd time efficient. This suggests thÐ °t exposing teÐ °chers to Ð ° bully prevention trÐ °ining progrÐ °m mÐ °y be Ð °n efficient Ð °nd effective meÐ °ns not only to reduce Ð °nd prevent bullying but, more importÐ °nt, to creÐ °te Ð ° sÐ °fer leÐ °rning environment for students Ð °nd teÐ °chers.

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